The 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics Technology (ICEEMT 2024)




Prof. Qian Chen

Jiangsu University, China

IEEE Senior Member

Profile: Chen Qian, a distinguished Professor and doctoral supervisor born in 1986, currently serves as the Deputy Director of the Department of Automation. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Automation from Jiangsu University in 2009 and later attained his PhD in Control Theory and Control Engineering from the same institution in 2015. In 2020-2021, he pursued a visiting scholarship at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK. His academic journey saw him ascend to the rank of Associate Professor in 2018, Doctoral Supervisor in 2020, and ultimately Professor in 2021.

Chen's research focuses on the development of highly reliable permanent magnet motor systems for electric vehicles, robots, and tidal power generation. He has led two National Natural Science Foundation projects and numerous provincial and ministerial initiatives. His contributions were recognized with the second Prize of Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province in 2019. As a prolific researcher, he has authored or co-authored over 30 scholarly papers, 13 of which are featured in top-tier journals like Science in China, China Electrical Engineering Journal, China Electrotechnical Journal, and IEEE Transactions. He holds one U.S. invention patent and seven Chinese invention patents.

Chen's international reputation is further strengthened by his role as the Chairman of the 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machinery and Systems (ICEMS). He has also served as a project review expert for the Flanders Science Foundation in Belgium and the National Natural Science Foundation in Chile. He is a regular reviewer for esteemed journals such as IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, and CSEE, and has been recognized as a Distinguished Reviewer for IET Electric Power Applications.

Chen's academic achievements and leadership have led to his inclusion in the overseas training program for outstanding young and middle-aged teachers in Jiangsu Province's colleges and universities, as well as the Young Talents Cultivation Program of Jiangsu University, where he is recognized as an Excellent Backbone Teacher.


Prof. Jinfeng Gao

Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China

Profile: Jinfeng Gao earned her bachelor's degree in Industrial Automation from Hebei University of Engineering. She pursued her master's and PhD degrees in Control Theory and Control Engineering at Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. Currently, she holds the position of professor at Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, where she specializes in Networked Control, Multi-Agent Systems, and Robust Control Theory research.



Prof. Qingshan She

Hangzhou Dianzi 

University, China

Profile: Qingshan She, male, born in 1980 in Jingzhou, Hubei Province. In 2007, he graduated from the State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology in the Control Department of Zhejiang University with a Doctor's degree in control science and engineering. In the same year, he joined the School of Automation of Hangzhou Dianzi University to engage in teaching and research. From September 2014 to September 2015, he was a senior visiting scholar in the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Drexel University in the United States. He has presided over 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects, 5 provincial and ministerial level projects, and participatedin more than 10 national 863 program projects, National Natural Science Foundation projects, Zhejiang key research and development program projects, and Zhejiang international science and technology cooperation projects. Won the first prize of scientific and technological progress of China Instrumentation Society. He has published more than 100 papers, including more than 40 in SCI journals. The first inventor authorized 18 national invention patents, transferred 5 patents and licensed 7 patents.

Research interests: Control Science and Engineering (brain-computer interface, rehabilitation robot, machine learning, medical image segmentation and recognition)

Assoc. Prof. Wentao Huang

Jiangnan University, China

IEEE Member

Profile: In 2020, Wentao Huang graduated from Southeast University with a Doctor's degree in Electrical engineering, under the guidance of Professor Hua. 2018-2019 Funded by the China Scholarship Council, he was jointly trained at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, under the guidance of Professor Zhu Jianguo. He is mainly engaged in the research of permanent magnet motor drive, model predictive control technology, fault diagnosis and fault tolerance control.It is currently available in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power More than 20 academic papers have been published in domestic and foreign academic journals such as Electronics, Electrotechnical Journal, Electrical machinery and Control Journal, including 10 SCI papers as the first author and 3 authorized invention patents. He has participated in a number of scientific research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation and the key research and development project of Jiangsu Province, and now presides over one project each of the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, the Basic scientific Research Business Fund of Central universities and horizontal projects.


Prof. Jingfeng Mao

Nantong University, China

Profile: Prof. Jingfeng Mao is currently a member of the Electrical Engineering Education Committee of China Electrotechnical Society and a member of the Agricultural Automation Committee of Jiangsu Automation Society. He is mainly engaged in the research of new energy power generation, special motors and their control, power quality control and other fields. He presided over one national project, two provincial projects and five municipal projects. As a major member, he has participated in more than 10 scientific research projects such as National Natural Science Foundation, transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Jiangsu Province, key research and development in Jiangsu Province, science and Technology Support in Jiangsu Province, and key universities in Jiangsu Province. The research achievements won the second prize of scientific and technological achievements in universities of the Ministry of Education, the first prize and second prize of China Petroleum and Chemical Automation Science and Technology Progress, the third prize of China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Progress, and the second prize and third prize of invention and innovation in universities and institutes of Nantong City. Associate editor published 2 textbooks. More than 60 papers have been published, and more than 30 have been included in EI. 24 invention patents, 11 utility model patents, and 2 software Copyrights were authorized.